Pre-Op Appoinment

On May 9th, I met the man who, one day very soon, will cut my heart open. After my cardiologist determined that my Aortic Valve was too narrow, and the regurgitation caused by it is too extreme, I was sent to see a cardiac/thoracic surgeon named Doctor Miller. As we discussed all of the information about my heart that I already knew, and already mentioned in my first blog post, something new came up. In addition to having a faulty valve, my Ascending Aorta is also oversized. Basically, at birth my body lacked a protein. The result is that my Aortic Valve has two cusps instead of the normal three and that my Ascending Aorta has expanded. A normal Ascending Aorta is 2.5cm in diameter. My Aorta is 4.7 cm. This is something that I was not aware of, but is apparently pretty common. When a cardiologist looks at an Echocardiogram, I guess that the focus is the valve function, and sometimes the Ascending Aorta is not noticed. So what does this al...